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A photo of Richard Gentry

Richard F. Gentry, a native of Nashville , Green Hills area, began his craft at age 11 with tree house tools in hand. As an evolving  'American Englishman', he has always had a "bee in his bonnet" to build original design furniture, one of a kind pieces or simply reproduce a prior master piece.


Largely self taught, he has studied extensively the skills of past masters as well as contemporary artists. His skills, and that of his assistants, are a refined amalgamation of knowledge ranging from hand-worked primitive pieces to birthing an unusual special need item.

Richard's work can be found in the homes and offices of celebrities and professionals in the Middle Tenn. area who are household names. His work has gained him numerous articles and acclaimed awards.


Richard's modesty will not rule out the fact that ordinary people have been the staple of decades of repeat sales. Many are prominent designers that needed clarity, knowledge, honesty, and of course profit margins. So, he prides himself on being fair and sensible with integrity you can simply count on!

Meet Richard
Our Products & Techniques

Our materials are selected from the rich lumber resources of our Tennessee region. Woods such as Black Walnut, Butternut, Chestnut, Cherry, and Figured & odd maples, while not forgetting secondary species that simply make something affordable.


Exotic woods are easily obtainable from South America to Africa and many are available in a matter of days. These offer the Rosewoods, Ebony, Mahogany to Zebra Wood.


Our knowledge base has found access to rare cuts of burls, flames, ribbon, and figured patterns too lengthy to mention here. Often the choice is only possible because of rare veneer cuts. A few or our shop's favorites are Pau Ferro Rosewood, Mappa, and Myrtle Burl.


With internet access most all can be seen in moments. We have mastered the knowledge in acquiring these as well as recommending and applying the perfect piece to a specific project. We make it fun and unique with simplicity. We enjoy when customers are able to become part of the creative selection process. Feel free to call and discuss the project in mind or being viewed.


Our finishes are of the highest quality available and applied with deftness of old school knowledge. We also use high tech equipment necessary to apply todays tough chemicals, and often to a rich buffed & polished sheen.




1073 Curlee Creek Rd, Readyville, TN 37149

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Copyright 2025 Richard F. Gentry Designs

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